The Story Behind the Potion

Three Beauty is a Woman-led, Christ-centered company owned by two veterinarians.

While Meghan was working to create a natural anti-inflammatory supplement oil for animals, a client shared that she covered her hair with a ball cap because she had been losing two handfuls of hair a day and it had become dry and brittle. Meghan felt the supplement oil she was creating might possibly be a solution for this client.

After sharing with the client this God-given idea, Meghan was hopeful it might work. After a few weeks, surprisingly, the client called asking for more oil because she wanted to send some to her daughter who was nearly bald from alopecia. She also shared that she stopped losing her hair! Then she shared one little sentence that changed my life, she said, “You know, I have been using it on my skin and I have noticed a huge difference.”

Meghan began using it on her forty something year old skin that was starting to lose its glow, brown spots and fine lines had replaced the freckles of her youth. Within 1 day she noticed a change and by day 3, her face was glowing and she began telling people to feel her smooth soft skin. The effects were dewing, glowing skin and the her tone started to even out, along with a dramatic decrease in inflammation.

She wanted her friends and family to see and feel the difference so she began giving it out for trials. Story after story came in….. acne scars were diminishing, a skin graft and large painful cysts disappeared and scars began to fade.

Transformation was happening overnight. Meghan started experimenting with the serum, developing products for friends and family.

The God-given idea became what is now Three Beauty Ozone Therapy Bodycare. Sharing the supplement oil has been a huge benefit. The name represents the 3 molecules of oxygen that creates the ozone and the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three in one.

“We love helping people look their best at their age no matter how many candles.”

“This is my command: Love each other.” John 15:17 


Meet the Founder

Dr. Meghan Qualls

The proud founder and maker of this coveted ozone infused product line of three beauty, is a loving wife and mom of two that understands the struggles of letting your own skin hold you back from living the confidant life you want.Graduating from Ohio State with her doctor of veterinary medicine degree and continuing her education with an equine sports medicine internship and specializing in equine rehabilitation, chiropractic and acupuncture. Meghan has used her love and passion of helping others by utilizing the knowledge she has gained in her veterinary practice to help expand her reach to helping more than just our furry family members, She hopes you will enjoy the results of her amazing products just as much as her family and friends have. 

Unlock the secrets to radiant skin with God's natural remedies.

Natural Oil for Skincare
  • Detoxifies the skin

    When cells are deprived of oxygen, they become unable to perform the detoxification process. An infusion of enriched oxygen molecules into the skin cleanses the toxins, impurities, and pollutants away on a cellular level.  This allows ozone therapy to negate the effects of pollution and to eliminate excess carbon dioxide piled up in the body.

  • Treats Uneven Skin Tone

    When skin is not properly oxygenated, its metabolism slows down which leads to a dull skin complexion and uneven skin tone. An obvious by-product of skin detoxification through ozone therapy is the removal of dead skin cells and waste build-up on the surface. This brightens and balances the skin complexion and makes the skin more luminous.

  • Speeds up Cell Turnover

    Through ozone therapy, an extra dose of oxygen is introduced to your skin cells which leads to an increased rate of cell production, growth, and regeneration. The faster the pace of cell turnover, the quicker the healing process of facial blemishes, wounds, or scars. 

  • Mitigates Acne

    As oxygen travels onto the skin’s surface, it kills pimple-causing bacteria while minimizing redness or inflammation which ultimately leads to a reduction of potential breakouts in the future. Furthermore, it shrinks the pores which reduce the possibility of oil clogging and dirt accumulation on the skin.

  • Infuses Moisture & Hydration

    Constant exposure to the sun’s UV rays and environmental pollution as well as an unhealthy lifestyle can all rob your skin of its natural moisture and hydration content. Ozone therapy not only cleanses and protects the skin but also improves its moisture and hydration levels while restoring its pH balance that can banish away dryness and dullness.

  • Lends your Skin a Natural Glow

    Because dead skin cells are removed, pores are unclogged, and there is an abundance of oxygen in the skin, ozone therapy can make your skin looking dewy, youthful, and radiant.

  • Stimulates Elastin & Collagen Production

    Collagen and elastin are naturally-occurring protein fibers found in connective tissues all over the human body. While the former ensures elasticity, flexibility, and hydration of the skin, the latter is responsible for enabling the skin to return to its original shape after being stretched, poked, or pinched. 

    As we age, collagen and elastin are produced at a slower rate which eventually alters the skin structure, hence, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.  

    Ozone therapy is said to boost the ability of cells to produce collagen and elastin which can help to soften wrinkles and fine lines, to tighten or firm the skin, and can slow down the aging process.

  • Instant Results & no Painful side effects

    Although the effectiveness of ozone therapy may vary depending on age, skin type, and issues to be dealt with, this skincare treatment has the ability to implant visible smoothness, brightness, and freshness to the skin immediately after the procedure. It is an exceptionally gentle beauty procedure that won’t leave any stinging or burning sensation at all. In fact, it calms the skin and will relieves any irritation.